
PayPal is an electronic commerce company that facilitates payments. It’s the faster, safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account cashless—making this app the preferred choice for easy financial payment transactions.


PayPal is an electronic commerce company that facilitates payments. It’s the faster, safer way to send money, make an online payment, receive money or set up a merchant account cashless—making this app the preferred choice for easy financial payment transactions.

How we Tech It Forward

Paying Attention to Details

We created a new email system for Paypal to make the overall user experience easy, efficient and intuitive. We made sure every detail of the experience mattered—for a holistic user journey.

Create app design addressing crucial experience issues of actual customers and making it easy to access all relevant account information.

Develop app functions enabling customers to directly process their needs, lessening the traffic on call centers and store queues.

Email Anatomy

Redesigned Newsletter Template System
With Intuitive Email Anatomy

1. Subject Line (SL)
2. Super Subject Line (SSL)
3. Alternate View Link
4. Logo Header
5. Header Section
6. Body Copy
7. Primary Call-to-Action (CTA) Button
8. Sub-modules
9. Utility Footer
10. Footer Copy

New Atomic Structure

More straightforward visual language

Atom to Template Structure

Giving Customers and Even Faster Checkout

Organisms / Blocks
